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How does a website work?

How does a website work?
There are more and more websites all over the planet. Without a doubt, the internet is a revolutionary information tool. The future trend is that there are more and more sites on any subject appearing on the web, but do you know how a web page works? Keep reading, here we explain everything!
1. Operation of a web page
2. Other aspects of how a web page works and what are they.

Operations of a web page

If we analyze websites from the moment they are created, it may be easier to understand for people without knowledge on the subject. In principle, the portals or websites are a graphic demonstration of the programmed code. This image is deciphered by browsers that are responsible for showing the visual result to users.
If you connect a computer to the internet, from the point of view of web pages it will be seen as the client and the other end as the server. We can understand that the client is the user’s device that is connected to the internet, such as a cell phone, tablet, or computer.
On the other hand, the server is another computer that stores the data of the web pages. When the device playing the role of client wants to access the website, the server downloads a copy of the page to its physical location.

Other aspects of the operation of a web page

There are many other actors involved in the operation of a page, beyond the servers and clients. We proceed to explain them in the following list:
• Route in the internet connection: Graphically the connection could be defined as the route that the data travels, from the servers to the clients. Hence, if the connection is interrupted you cannot access a website.
• Transmission control protocols: These protocols are the definers of the way data travels through the web. Graphically they can be identified as the transport in which the data is transported.
• The DNS: They are the acronym in the English language to define domain system servers. They serve as a directory for websites. When you enter an address in the browser, the DNS is responsible for providing the site information.
• Http: It can be defined as the information protocol that sets the communication language between clients and servers.
• Composition Files: This is the section where the web page data is stored. The files correspond to this section.
• Code and resources: On the other hand, the storage of the code for the graphic recognition of the interface by the browser corresponds to the last process saved by the servers.

For those who do not know about the subject, it may be somewhat complicated to understand. But if you want to learn, surely you will find all that knowledge you want. We invite you to read all the information about websites on our pages!


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